Author Kumar Bhardwaj
5 min readApr 15, 2021



As I was about to write the first word of story.

I just recalled the FSSAI, means Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. You may also curious why I have opted term FSSAI for title.

Simple today I am going to share the short story of Kamya. How I know her ? that is a long story which I may trying to cut short to give you the gist.

Actually there was a hospital next door, as you may be aware. (if you have read my earlier stories on Medium) that I am in food business, and running a small eatery cum restaurant in the same society, you can say this is local market just placed and set up near the society and main highway.

On fine morning I was sitting on cash counter waiting for the customer, suddenly I saw a skinny small girl age 10 or 12 was passing by. I observed that her father was holding her as she had no energy to walk few steps. Her mother was just behind them holding some medical reports and a cushion in her hand.

And the cannula fixed in Kamya’s left hand narrating the story — that she must have been hospitalized in next door hospital etc.

You won’t believe watching her in a pain and agony was disturbing me. Why it was disturbing I really don’t know but it was painful. Days passes and I had seen her many times visiting hospital and then going back home with her family.

One fine morning her father visited and asked for cup of tea and some snacks, it was takeaway order so I had packed the same and handed over to him. He left the place and come again in afternoon for the lunch. It was around 04:00 PM it was late so we were in the process of windup. But I paused everything after seeing him approaching my point.

He entered and asked for some Tawa Chapatis and Yellow Dal (to be packed) for two persons. Luckily it was in stock so I instructed the cook to prepare the same. It was approx. 20 minutes process, so I had requested him to sit on a chair and wait.

I was very curious to know, about that girl (because before this talk I was not aware of the story and her name). Her father was tensed and shared that she is Kamya his daughter. And the lady is Kamya’s mother.

Kamya got food poisoning, and was disturbed from last 15 days. They thought she has some upset stomach or gastric. But nothing was working as home remedies and local doctor were fail to cure the problem.

So they came here on the recommendation of family friend, where specialist has confirmed the Food Poisoning and admitted her in the hospital. Now Kamya has to be here for further tests and treatment. She is so small and unable to handle the adverse effect of medicine and trauma.

He further disclosed that, despite of their instructions and warnings, she had consumed the Burger (Actually the Bloody Burger) from nearby market when returning home from tutions.

This one burger was disaster for her. God knows the reason but, her condition shows it seems to be very very unhealthy stuff what she had consumed.

In nutshell the estimated treatment which was started from Rs.4500/- touched the amount of Rs.114000/-, oh my god. One Lakh Fourteen Thousand ? I was totally zapped

It was understood that Hospital Semi Private Room, Doctor and Specialist Visiting Charges, Medicines, Test and Treatment. Still the amount was huge at least for a middle class private job holder.

Sharing all these, Kamya’s father was about to cry as they have only daughter with only source of income — which is his private job and from which he is absent from last 15 days and his boss is threatening him. What will happen if he got fired ?

Inside story and feeling was pathetic. And small Kamya was not aware that what she had done deliberately or unintentionally.

But it was a bitter truth that her Rs.20/- burger now costing Rs.114000/- to her family and tension and stress was in bonus.

Only thing was good that she got discharged from hospital in two weeks, as doctors and her family had made thousand efforts to get the thing done.

And as I have told earlier that, I too belongs to Food Industry, and being an active, aware and alert citizen. I never work in a fashion as rest of the food vendors are working. So being an Author and Food Business Owner I would like to add……………

That FSSAI should impose heavy fine or shut the business of any food vendor, Dhaba, Restaurant, Local Eateries, Canteens, Food Van, Food Cart, Food Hawker and so on……..

Reason first people got lured towards Sasta Khana (what they called economical food) But in my opinion that is the worst food in terms of health and hygiene. Reader may be differ here but truth is bitter.

Second without knowledge and proper training or at least using their basic brain people starts their food ventures and fail badly.

And at some point if they are at loss they move towards food adulteration or use low grade ingredients.

And the irony is customer prefer to eat low grade and cheap food to save money, which they may pay happily to doctors and hospitals in future :)

Once customer has decided not to welcome the low grade food vendors are bound to shut their business or may change their way of working

The working of healthy and fresh preparation.

Author Kumar Bhardwaj

Because you like it or not but from daily wages labour to executive class every person required healthy food to live further.

What FSSAI will do what government will do, that may be political or debatable but being and human

seller and buyer, vendor and customer you must think wisely — which way you want to go. Because complain is not a solution, doing efforts and switching to self start mode is the only way to eradicate the issues.

And in last — thanks to you that you have read this story FSSAI. So be aware and say NO to cheap and unhygienic food. Jai Hind



Author Kumar Bhardwaj

Kumar Bhardwaj is an educated and seasoned entrepreneur turned author. He is a fossil of experience and an author of book “Bhatakatee Duniya Bikharate log”